Hi Everyone,
I live in Dublin, Ireland and am 19 years old
what i have observed in the past 2 years of my life is when it comes to Fitness, I am the laziest person ever, It’s so easy to tell yourself that you’ll do something later—you look at the clock and it’s 6:17, so you tell yourself you’ll get up at 6:30. Next time you look at the clock it’s 6:38, so you tell yourself you’ll get up at 7:00—and thus the unhealthy cycle continues.
This is the biggest blockage between me and regular exercise, i am not obese but still exercising daily is must and still i am unable to perform such exercises due to the you can say "excuses" that let's start from tomorrow or coming monday which as you would know, never comes.
Hey Ultàn, as far as I read what You’ve written above what I sense is that the reason of your procrastination is the lack of seriousness and a motive or a goal that can back it up. You need to set your eyes on something that you desperately want in your life and which can sync you up with punctuality, something that would prevent you from procrastinating because you’re excited about it, it can be an early morning routine with a fun gig involved so that when you go to bed at night, you’re excited to wake up in the morning rather than snoozing your alarm clock. Get together with a jogging partner or a gym partner, a dance partner may work or any activity which intrigues you. I hope it helps!